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Cystic Acne Treatment - The Whole Truth

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, December 26, 2012 0 comments
Cystic Acne Treatment - The Whole Truth - outbreaks of cystic acne can be painful and cause scarring. Some dermatologists consider the worst because topical medications do not get to the root of the problem. It heals very slowly, because it is so deep that the infection is trapped under the skin. Treatment of cystic acne is generally limited oral medication, so that all cases must be brought to a dermatologist.

Isotretinoin is the most common and most powerful drug for the treatment of cystic acne is prescribed. It is a synthetic retinoid (vitamin A), which takes into tablets. It is the only recipe excess production of oil blockage of the pores of the skin and the treatment of infections. This pill is taken up to 20 weeks and often requires no more than a cure cycle of therapy. The most serious side effect of this drug is the possibility of birth defects in the fetus developing. For this reason, women must not be pregnant or pregnant at any time during treatment. Regular checks should be monitored for each patient using this drug without side effects additional requirements.

Common side effects include the use of isotretinoin in the treatment of cystic acne: muscle aches, uncomfortable drying of the lips and eyes, depression and chest pain. Some of these effects can lead to serious health problems in the future. Always consult your doctor if you notice any of these side effects.

Oral contraceptives are used as cystic acne treatment in women. Suppresses overactive sebaceous glands (oil producing glands), and is safe to use long term. In addition to oral contraceptives, the doctor is a synthetic steroid with other hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands inhibit.

If cystic acne oral treatment fails, may require drainage. This is known as acne and surgery should only be performed by qualified personnel in a sterile environment. If you squeeze or examine, the infection can be much more than they take. You can increase the infection and worsen the inflammation and swelling.

For very inflamed cysts, a dermatologist may decide to administer an injection of a corticosteroid to reduce inflammation very diluted and accelerate healing. This procedure is usually painless. Cysts usually disappear within a week and tear and prevents scarring. However, this is not the first choice of cystic acne treatment by most dermatologist because it is only current acne.

In addition to medications that your dermatologist may prescribe, the responsibility for the health of your skin. Wash your face at least once a day, especially after exercise or other strenuous activity. Do not wash your skin too often or it could lead to dehydration. Explosion cystic acne is more likely to prevent scarring, so that at all costs. Make sure your hands and fingers away from your face. Your hands collect dirt and germs to everything it touches, and you come into contact with the surface may increase the chance of infection.

The Truth About Acne Skin Care

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
The Truth About Acne Skin Care - Skin care is an important part of controlling your acne. Find out what you should - and should not - do as part of your routine skin care.

Let's face it, you are involved in an ongoing battle when you are suffering from acne. While acne treatments for a mild case of acne are usually successful, moderate acne is a greater problem. Even dermatologists can not cure a severe case of acne but can only be a system of treatment of acne.

However, you can support your efforts to treat acne with skin care acne to reduce the recurrence of acne and not aggravate existing acne.

Do you know what you are doing

One of the first piece of advice is to make sure you understand and follow the directions on any acne medication you use. If you are taking a prescription acne, read the package insert that accompanies the medication carefully. Typically for moderate to severe acne a dermatologist may prescribe acne medications each. With their own treatment protocol and directions

For acne free skin that you want to achieve, it is important to use all the acne treatments properly and in the right order. Consider a tablet of paper, a pen and a friend or relative with you to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. Just jot down a few notes about the order and the date of application of the acne medicine and what its purpose.

Remember, just because the acne cure your acne drug use does not necessarily mean that it was possible to cure acne. Most people with moderate to severe acne must continue to use their acne medicine long-term to prevent recurrence of acne problem. Using the acne treatments properly should translate to clear skin free from acne scars.

What over-the-counter drugs?

Moreover, the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor, there are a number of products on the market as a skin cleanser, facial cleanser Pore Cleanser, facial pores and detergents that are used to treat acne can be labeled.

When cleaning your skin suffers from acne, an important point to remember is to not rub on the skin, do not rub your face with a towel. There is a misconception that acne is caused by dirt clogging the pores of the skin is caused. No dirt rub attack, you can not scrub away the offensive acne and achieve acne free skin.

Excessive washing or cleansing of the skin suffering from acne only serves to aggravate the condition. Instead of just cleaning delicate skin, warm water and mild finger movement as the primary system of skin care acne. If you wash your face with your hands, you wash your hands.

It is natural treatments really work?

Try gentle cleaning products that are sold as acne solutions. When evaluating skin cleansers for acne, natural acne treatments are looking as well. For example, a herbal ingredients based on SOAP and other Echinacea is an effective antibiotic facial cleanser that fight acne and helps to restore the skin. The tea tree oil is known antibiotic properties and serves as a mild anesthetic to soothe irritated skin.

Oily skin is implicated as a cause of acne. This is not always practical to use a moisturizer on oily skin, as a means to obtain a clear skin. But many of the acne treatments, whether produced by prescription or over-the-counter, as they tend to irritate the skin, treat acne.

Moisturizer is a boost to irritated skin and keeps skin from drying out due to the acne treatments that have been applied. Find a moisturizer with the following properties:

- Non-oil
- Do not clog pores (non comodogenic)
- Contains sunscreen

Besides a great desire to spot a few steps, many people try to get rid of acne acne pimples by hand as a way to get clear skin. People with acne should not touch your face, unless you wash it gently with a mild detergent as discussed above.

Trying to eliminate the grains by hand runs the risk of creating acne scars that will last a lifetime. Instead, be patient and work on prescription or over-the-counter acne treatment. Acne medication usually 6-8 weeks before curing acne.

For men who suffer from acne, the daily ritual of shaving can be a problem. An acne sufferer has the Gillette Sensor Excel as a gentle and effective recommended for use. Other males prefer to try an electric razor. The tip is to avoid incisions shaving soft skin and to shave only as often as necessary. Find moisturizing shave gel may be one way to improve your acne skin care program.

The women suffer from acne also has its particular problems in the search for cosmetic products suitable for use. Women who are used to a basic product may find that the foundation lasts without problems when the skin is irritated by acne treatments applied.

It might be necessary to abandon the use of some cosmetics for the treatment of acne. Make sure only oil-free cosmetics and those identified as comodogenic (will not clog pores) are labeled for use on the road, choose to remove the skin.

Proper acne skin care is a necessary addition to your arsenal for fighting your battle with acne and achieving clear skin again.

The Social Impact of Acne

Posted by Unknown Monday, December 24, 2012 0 comments

How acne affects people's lives

"There is no single disease which causes more psychic trauma, more disability among the elderly and children, general insecurity and feelings of inferiority and greater amounts of psychic suffering than acne vulgaris." - Sulzberger & Zaldems, 1948

While known for some time, the psychosocial effects of acne have not been fully appreciated until now. The reasons for this are many. After all, everyone gets acne to one degree or another. In most cases, it goes away on its own. While it runs its course, it is not a serious threat to one's physical health overall. In addition, until recent decades, there is very little that can be done to treat it.

Acne, nonetheless, has a significant impact on a person's outlook on life. Recent studies have detected the following as common among people with acne:
  • Social withdrawal
  • Decreased self-esteem
  • Reduced confidence
  • Image Poor body
  • Shame
  • Feelings of depression
  • Anger
  • Preoccupation
  • Frustration
  • High levels of unemployment
Securities listed above are interrelated, with an effect that leads to another and another, only to make a bad first effect. Negative psychosocial effects can have a paralyzing effect, discouraging patients from pursuing the opportunities life - socially, at work, or at school.

Actual quotes from people with acne
The fact is, people with acne generally hate the way they look with acne. Let the people with acne tell you-here are some testimonials about living with acne *:

Verbatim # 1
"I do not look in the mirror .... I was like a vampire - I shy away from the mirror I comb my hair using my silhouette on the wall to show the outline of my head, I do not see myself in the eye .. in a few years, and can not be painful do that, and that is a direct result of acne, acne scarring. "

As a vampire, hating mirrors! Unable to face himself, how can this person hope to face the world?

Verbatim # 2
"I think that if I had more confidence about the way I looked, I thought I'd better come out I will go to more parties .. I'm probably going to be more vocal in class and will not feel so insecure about going up and talking in front of a group of classmates. "

Here is the extrovert, turned on itself (himself) because of acne. Who knows how different things if he did not have acne?

Verbatim # 3
"It's really embarrassing to feel like I have no control over my acne kept my head down and I was embarrassed to see:. Guy, shame I'm 25 years old and will act in this way is very frustrating .."

In just three sentences, this person revealed humiliation, lack of control, shame, embarrassment and frustration. With the treatments available today, there is no reason to suffer like this.

Verbatim # 4
"It's associated with being dirty, and I hate it, because it's not at all like that I inherited from my mother, and she always said that she had the same thing and that he will go .. I was upset that I inherited from her father I makes me feel bad because he never had bad skin when he was younger,. thus he does not understand .... I hate that the first thing people see when they look at my skin was bad. I really- really hate. was. "

Myths about acne are a common source of family conflict. Teens tend to rebel anyway - do they need to have the wrong information acne driving another wedge between them and their parents? One of the myths that make the family situation worse: The idea that nothing can be done to clean up serious acne faster than if left alone.

Verbatim # 5
"I feel like I do not look right no matter how hard I try to dress up and look good - there are always areas that acne there, and it's very disturbing Really not a day went by that. I do not think about it, or see the face I .... Do I have to spend a lot of energy on it? I can do other things ... instead of wasting 5 to 10 minutes every day to see my face in the mirror, or play with it, pick at my acne. '

This guy is so busy with her almost neurotic acne take it. He also clearly frustrated, as acne thwarts all efforts to achieve a good performance.

Testimony showed the level of psychological disorders, emotional and social development that can lead to acne. Clear acne would relieve the source of this disorder, but many people do not realize that something can be done.

Many myths about acne, especially about diet and hygiene, is still considered correct. And many parents and older siblings are stuck in an attitude of past generations were not really able to do but wait it out.

Making matters worse, there is confusion among people with acne and their families about what works and what does not. They are often frustrated by products that promise to cleanse the skin, but that does not work for them.

Some nonprescription products may be more effective than others, but dermatologists have treatments that work just about 100% of the time. Most cases of acne can be cleared by appropriate treatment

Most Causes Of Acne

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Most Causes Of Acne - Heredity, skin oils, hair follicles, and hormones are the prime suspects in this ongoing mystery. Learn the biology of acne and you can avoid the most common mistakes that aggravate acne.

Acne remains a bit of a mystery. It seems to be partly hereditary, but why some people are affected by it and others are untouched isn't exactly known. We do, however, understand some of the biology behind it.

image archive of versatilehealth

The main culprit is the excess production of sebum, an oily substance whose function is to keep skin and hair lubricated and supple. The production of the oily sebum blocks the skin's surface, which provides an ideal environment for bacterial growth. The bacteria multiply, the skin area becomes red and inflamed, and then a pimple pops up.

The Role Of Testosterone

The excess production of sebum is caused by testosterone, the male hormone. However, testosterone is present in both males and females. During puberty, the body changes in its reaction to testosterone, thereby producing extra sebum. This irregular reaction, occurring mainly during adolescence, causes the skin -- particularly the face and upper torso -- to become oily.

The sebum then combines with naturally occurring dead skin cells to block hair follicles.

The body usually regulates its reaction to testosterone by the early 20s, and then the annoying acne clears up.

Hair Follicle Theory

Narrowing hair follicles could be involved with the production of acne -- so says a recent scientific theory. Evidence suggests that hair follicles may become restricted for several reasons, including excessive shedding of cells within the follicle, abnormal cell binding, or water retention which causes the skin to swell.

The narrowed hair follicles prevent dead cells from being expelled from the body, creating a buildup beneath the skin. Combined with sebum, it produces ideal conditions for acne.

Making Matters Worse

Many people can't resist squeezing their pimples. This may make the condition worse, by spreading the bacteria to the surrounding skin area. It also can lead to scarring, sometimes permanently.

Even touching the face can worsen acne. Without realizing it, most of us touch our faces many times throughout the day. The problem is that our hands contain oils and bacteria that will increase the acne symptoms. In fact, all objects, including eyeglasses and telephone handsets, that make contact with the face must be clean.

Hair, particularly long hair, also touches your face, so it is important to keep your hair clean and oil free. Fabric accessories such as hats and headbands should be avoided or used as little as possible.

Other Factors

Other things that seem to aggravate acne conditions include diet, skin irritation, stress, hormonal activities such as menstrual cycles, and certain medications.

Dietary links show skim milk products to be related to acne. There is no statistical evidence, however, that foods such as chocolate and fast food have any association with pimples or aggravates acne.

Medications associated with acne include anabolic steroids (used for bodybuilding), lithium, barbiturates, halogens, and androgens.

Acne Birth Control Pill and Antibiotics | Acne Tips

Posted by Unknown Friday, December 21, 2012 2 comments
Acne Birth Control Pill and Antibiotics - Birth control pills helps in preventing acne growth.

For female patients refractory acne is called androgen excess production. Extra androgens in your system, your oil-producing glands into high gear - and so your acne. There are a few clues that can help doctors determine, acne is affected by hormones: acne, first appear in adult acne overflow before the menstrual cycle, irregular menstrual cycles, hirsutism (excessive growth of hair, or hair outside the place is usually ) and a certain degree of androgen in the blood stream.

Been opposed to the treatment of acne with antibiotics or topical dimension A acid mature women and young girls may be candidates for hormone therapy. Once the patient is identified as the impact of acne hormonal imbalance, your doctor will be able to establish a few different methods of treatment, or a combination of several different drugs, combination therapy of this type of acne is often the best way. Here are some common components hormone treatment of acne, but remember to consult your doctor before using any drug listed here.

Acne / year - oral contraceptives contraceptives. Contraceptives (oral combination of estrogen and progestin hormones) often arranged acne. Low-dose estrogen can prevent ovarian androgen agents new progestin desogestrel and norgestimate, androgens than the old formulation. Although only Ortho Tri Cyclen and estrogen steps approved by the FDA for this indication, the experts agree that low-dose birth control pills improve acne, regardless which a formula. The negotiators pain you find a way to fit you. Although the side effects are rare, some women may appear brown spots on the skin, or melasme (pigmentation). This discoloration can be treated by topical formulations.

Contraceptives acne / year - anti-androgen. Combined oral contraceptives, doctors can also set up an anti-androgen drugs, these drugs prevent androgen production in the ovaries and adrenal glands secrete, and contribute to the prevention of androgen can cause excessive oil production. Spironolactone, hypertension drugs, anti-androgen, some has been proven effective treatment for acne. Side effects may include breast, menstrual irregularities (women did not use oral contraceptives), headache, fatigue, because he is also a diuretic, you may experience frequent urination.

Note: Spiranolactone the fetus of tetrogenic and may lead to the feminization of the male. If you are sexually active, not "pill", it is important that you use another form of birth control.

Acne control / annual pills - corticosteroids. A small DOS corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone or prednisolone can prevent the inflammatory response, blocking androgen produced by the adrenal glands. Please keep in mind that in some patients with acne, glucocorticoids may actually aggravate acne, they are the most effective combination of the use of contraceptives designer.

In short, if you think that your acne is caused by hormonal imbalances, see a doctor immediately. Although this type of acne requires a different course of treatment, he was abused. Learn more about your hormones.

Your doctor may arrange for simple severe acne patients who experience a combination of topical and oral antibiotics. The most common oral medications used to treat acne are tetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline and erythromycin.

The treatment of acne antibiotics - how they work

Such as benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics to control the production of acne control body
P. acne, acne and reduce inflammation bacteria. This process may take several weeks or months, so be patient. Remember, you are not a "cure" just because your acne subside. Kind of drug, it's working - so, if you stop eating, your acne may return. Similarly, doubling your drugs will not make your skin clear, so twice as fast. Often than the designated use of topical antibiotics may result in greater follicular irritation and plugging, which would slow down the time to explain. Your oral medications more often than required will not help your skin clear faster - but it will increase your chances of unpleasant side effects.

Antibiotics to treat acne - where they

If you have mild to severe acne, see your dermatologist, he will discuss your options and help you make the best choice. Once you start treatment time to work. Ensure your doctor about your progress, so that he can change the treatment, if necessary process. Again, do not stop, your skin loses your medicine - your doctor to make that call.

Antibiotics to treat acne - impressions common side effects

Antibiotics used to treat acne, side effects may include photosensitivity (the high risk selaran sun), abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, itching, lupus and skin discoloration and other symptoms. While taking antibiotics, some women report says, a higher incidence of vaginal yeast infection, usually can handle kaunter antikulat, or the antikulat of recipes, such as Diflucan. Tetracycline is not given to pregnant women or children under the age of 12, because it can discolor developing teeth. Finally, and unusual, because doxycycline treatment of Lyme disease is also an option, is a theoretical possibility, patients taking these drugs for a long time to build barriers, and therefore unable to fight Lyme disease.

Complete Acne Treatment Regimen

Posted by Unknown Thursday, December 20, 2012 0 comments
Complete Acne Treatment Regimen - When it comes to keeping and caring for the condition of acne, many people fail to take a full blown approach. In other words, many people with acne tend to do "one thing" when it comes to "treating" their condition. For example, they might buy a great cleanser to assist in the care and treatment of their acne but they failed to use an appropriate exfoliating product and then follow up with the kind of good treatment cream.

When all is said and done, if you really want to resolve the acne condition, you will want to take the attention really thorough and treatment approaches. For example, you will want to incorporate the use of a tried and tested product like Zenmed Derma Cleanse ® System ™ and Zenmed Body Acne Combo ™ to your acne care and medical practice.

When all is said and done, the best type of acne treatment program is essentially a three-part regimen that includes:
  • - Cleaning
  • - Exfoliation
  • - Use care products

The first step in treating acne conditions efficiently correct cleaning of the area carried out with the appropriate cleaning agent. (Again, if you choose to use a line of products such as Zenmed Derma Cleanse ® System ™ and Zenmed Body Acne Combo ™, you'll have available for your type of proven cleaning agent that can take you well on your way to successfully treat your acne condition. )

In addition to choosing the right cleaning products as part of your acne treatment regimen, you should also remember that the component cleaning acne treatment program depends on the frequency. In other words, normally, you need to completely clean the area that held the skin at least twice a day. Failure to clean the skin area for efficient frequency so that it would end up defeating the effectiveness of the treatment regimen itself.

In the treatment of acne conditions, cleansing is the foundation on which the rest of the care process is built. So, you will want to make certain that you establish a routine cleaning that incorporates appropriate cleansers used regularly. In the absence of any regular basis, the balance of the elements of a comprehensive regimen will be less efficient.


Many people overlook the need exfoliation when it comes to exercise and carry out maintenance of acne and skin exfoliation treatment program is a very important component of the overall and keep acne treatment regimen.

Exfoliation process function efficiently dispose of dead skin cells and imbedded oils that if left unchecked can cause acne condition. There are some very good products that one can use to ensure that the right exfoliation ready.

Someone should exfoliate on a daily basis. Under certain conditions, a person can go two days between exfoliations - however, you must remember that the skin cells of oil, dirt and dead build on every day.

Care Products

Only very rarely can an efficient acne condition can be resolved without the intervention of appropriate care products as it is inserted into the Zenmed Derma Cleanse ® System ™ and Zenmed ™ Body Acne Combo line of products. As mentioned previously, acne treatment really is a three part process: cleansing, exfoliation and application maintenance.

There are several types of treatment products on the market today - each of these products are designed to treat a variety of conditions of acne. As a result, you need to take the time to consider which products best treatment would handle the type of acne that you are suffering from the condition at a given point in time.

For example, if you have body acne condition, you will want to invest in a comprehensive treatment program such as Zenmed ™ Body Acne Combo. Conversely, if you have acne face - either as an adult or a teenager - you'll want to focus on products such as Zenmed Derma Cleanse ™ System ®.


By implementing a comprehensive course of treatment for your acne condition will work to resolve the situation and you will be in a better position to prevent future outbreaks. Moreover, even if you have future outbreaks, using a comprehensive treatment program, you will be able to reduce acne outbreaks keterukan future.

Adults Do not Get Acne! Are They? | Acne Treatment

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Adults Do not Get Acne! Are They? - Skin problems not only affect people in the teens, adult acne is also a very common occurrence, in today's society. Adult women are more likely to suffer from acne than men. Adult males are at higher risk in terms of permanent scare, caused by acne problems. Contrary to what most people think, adult acne is not caused by improper hygiene.

In fact, acne is caused by several different things. Oily skin, hair canal closed as it should and infection are three main factors that cause skin problems. These factors remain the same, in adults and adolescents. (How's that for thinking you will not get acne, because you are an adult.)

Acne occurs when dead skin, small deposits of fatty tissue and keratin get clogged in a hair canal. When the channel is open, this blockage causes "black spots". When the channel is closed, this is called a "whitehead". That because whitehead is closed, in many cases, it will eventually explode. This rupture causes redness and infection of adult acne.

There are many myths associated with adult acne. Dermatologists say that acne is not caused by eating chocolate or greasy food fish. Stress, by itself, does not cause acne. However, there are some medications relieve the pressure that has been known to cause skin conditions.

Acne is not clear faster if you wash your face several times a day, or sit in the sun. Acne is not caused by dirt. Wash your face many times a day can actually do more harm than good. Sitting in the sun just darker skin and can cause scary.

Remember, if you fight the skin condition, you are not alone. There are various ways to treat the problem. You do not have to live with adult acne forever!

Acne Treatments: The Cheap Option Or The Potent Stuff? | Acne Tips

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, December 19, 2012 0 comments
Acne Treatments: The Cheap Option Or The Potent Stuff? - Acne is one of those problems that everyone has to deal with sooner or later. The question of whether to pick the cheaper over-the-counter treatment over the more potent prescription medication can sometimes be a difficult choice. Both have advantages and disadvantages that must be considered.

If you scour the shelves of a pharmacy or drug store, you'll most likely find numerous brands of over-the-counter treatment for acne more than you can count with your fingers. among other skin infections,There are likely to be ingredients common to said treatments for skin infections, though none are exactly the same. If the problem is something that your typical medication can handle, it is probably best you consult a skin care professional.

In most cases, these readily available measures achieve the simple goal of alleviating your acne problem without causing any discomfort. Of course, given individual reactions to the chemicals in the skin treatments, that may not always be the case. Prescription medication, which is typically more potent, may also cause the same unwanted side-effects as those that come from over-the-counter products.

Various factors influence the effectiveness of an over-the-counter or prescription acne treatment product. You might be inclined to wonder which of the two would be the best acne medication, with minimal possible side effects. Well, the answer to this is that all medications can potentially cause side effects. Every person's skin will react differently to different drugs or medications.

Let's take a look at this whole thing objectively, shall we? Or at least, with as much objectivity a single person can have. Hopefully, if we do that we can find the best acne medication, or at least something close to it.  In theory, there may be no such thing as a “best” medication, as individual skin chemistry can easily get in the way.

First off, over-the-counter medication for your average range of skin infections, let alone acne, is nowhere near as potent as your typical prescription treatment. This may stem from either the differences in the basic chemical composition or how concentrated the key ingredients of the treatments are. A prescription acne treatment may clear up the problem faster, but the potency of the chemicals can cause side effects more readily than the over-the-counter variants. That means that your life can get back to normal a lot faster, seeing as how you've got one less thing to worry about.

However, despite being “less effective” (and that's something that's just this side of being arguable), over-the-counter stuff is significantly cheaper. Unless you've somehow gotten a case of monumentally bad acne, you should go and try an over-the-counter treatment first. They may not be as potent, but they very often can do the job on their own. If they're not helping, you shouldn't hesitate to seek professional help. Medical insurance may or many not entirely cover your costs, as this sort of thing is something that varies depending on the details of your coverage.

The lower potency of the drugs can also be a boon rather than a bane, for some people. You see, every once in a while, the combination of skin, acne, and other factors is going to produce a person with very sensitive skin. The kind of skin that turns red and swells to the size of a grapefruit at the slightest touch of benzoyl peroxide, or something similar. However, lower chemical potency means that you're also less likely to run into a nasty side effect.

There's also the matter of convenience to be considered here. An over-the-counter product is obviously easier to get your hands on. Go to a drug store, find medication for acne that you like or think would work, and pay for it at the counter. Simple, clean, and there's not a whole lot of time involved. In contrast, if you need to get one that's prescription-required, that involves the time to set up the appointment, the consultation, and all that other good stuff.

There's also the matter of an individual's skin. Your skin is unique and how it might react to something is different from how someone else's skin might react. Your skin may be tougher than most, or it can be easier to scar than most. Medications are set to a specific formula when they're made.

Finally, you may want to keep in mind not to mix and match your treatments. Drug interaction is a leading cause of side effects, aside from poor interaction with the patient's skin. Skin infections like acne can be made worse if you mix two treatments together, such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. The warning about drug interaction holds true even when you mix together over-the-counter medication and prescription ones, even if the two have ingredients in common.

Acne Treatment for Teenagers | Acne Tips

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Acne Treatment for Teenagers - Most people in their teenage years may have afficted by acne. We look deep into the teenage acne treatment.

All people have to go through this period and acne tumoultous described it. Apart from causing unsightly physical appearance, it carries a variety of psychological effects that influence youth in a different way, especially if it is a severe type.

Youth who are very self-conscious affected by acne making them have low self-esteem. This may lead them away from social settings due to perceptions of others.

So what are the social consequences that this brings?

Those who suffer from acne are often accused by non-acne friends they become too sensitive. However, the physical and psychological problems experienced by them was recognized as a real and present efforts have been made to deal with them accordingly.

Acne is every bit as much how you feel as it is about how you look. This is even more so to those who usually judge by physical appearance. In a society that places a high value on the physical, and set high standards for them to adhere to the "norms", teens who suffer from acne, particularly for the less fortunate.

Teens who suffer from acne often feel they are ugly and this feeling might extend with adult acne.

Parents are always faced with the dilemma of how to deal with their children who afflicated with acne and experience feelings of depression and low self-esteem.

Often, it is difficult to discern whether the psychological traumas through adolescence related acne, or usual tantrums and emotional phases that characterizes teenage hood.This makes it difficult to understand the psychological effects associated with acne.

The easiest way and most effective way to understand the psychological impact of this is just listening.By hear how acne makes them feel and the insecurities it causes them, parents can show that they emphathise with them and care.

Additionaly informing them on the causes, types and treatment can reassure them that they are not seen as dirty or having poor hygiene. Cleanliness indirectly causes acne.Parents should also let them know that teenagers all over face the same issues with acne, thus showing them that they are not alone in this.

As stated before, find the source and type of acne is the first step to finding treatment.Once one starting on a treatment plan, they finally feel better about their appearance and the consequences themselves.

Acne Prevention: Should I have to Dermatologist? | Acne Tips

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Acne Prevention: Should I have to Dermatologist? - The article on the importance of entry temper acne treatment due to skin problems that can cause infection. The article describes some of the most important considerations before taking the treatment would she dermatology.

Acne eg a skin infection. One of the worst things that happen to a person that would be considered especially During adolescence Besides the obvious physical damage you can do, is also struggling with things like social and psychological damage that can result. A person with scarring and inflammation can be of acne, Including after backs.

As with most other medical conditions, so it is always a good idea to check first, what are drugs available in the market. Depending on the degree of sensitivity of the skin Such a person, if I could try benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as possible treatments for this specific skin infection. It could also consider the use of both, but at different times in a day. Yes if no improvement after a period of time certain (usually 6-8 weeks should be enough), then this may be the moment to consider, This time, to seek professional help.

A dermatologist definitely know more about this type of skin infection and how can we resolve this problem, much less have to know what some treatments may be is a non-prescription product just does not do the job. You might want to know that treatments are prescribed more and more stronger Generally the traditional expensive drugs.

There are a few things to consider when a visit to the dermatologist is needed:
  • if over the counter treatments do not have any positive effect on the acne problem;
  • if a person has more than one sign of skin infection, such as whiteheads, blackheads, or red spots;
  • if the acne appears not just in the face, but also throughout the body;
  • if scars are visible on areas where one previously had acne;
  • if there is pus filled spots on one's face that is painful when touched or tampered with;
  • if there is continuous inflammation in the face; and
  • if this skin infection starts to limit one's social interactions.
A person with acne should take these points in mind when seeking assistance Decidius a dermatologist. The communication with a dermatologist is important for a person being treated for full analysis of the problem of the nature and form of continuing treatment at home. Talks should be full With The dermatologist and more and accurate. It can be very embarrassing for some, but the consequences of skin infections that can not be so bad if you must go through high. Always full information about treatment of acne also have to take on acne history previous record as ready to wear or dermatologist Dr. of this and other anti-allergy treatments acne.

Treatment of Acne is not just a health issue, until, a matter of great importance to self-esteem and personal hygiene. Acne is not only unpleasant up shame and also causes a certain level of social anxiety. But a person with acne, do not you worry, because many treatment options are available to treat the inflammation and unsightly scars.

You Can Fight Acne with Masks | Acne Tip

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, December 18, 2012 0 comments
You Can Fight Acne with Masks - you can not fight acne gel or special soaps, but also with natural masks. Masks for you product. It can easily be in the kitchen and simply, I'm here to work, of course. These products have great qualities. Inherent in the common things that you are beautiful, clean and glossy complexion to make it possible

The mask of eggs is one of the most common and is a great way to stretch the skin, according to some experts. They say that eggs help streamline leaving the skin. Firmer face, less wrinkled and less prone to errors

To make an egg mask is something very simple and fast we can not even imagine. First, a protein suggests rigid. Only then can soften the face. Then remove the mask, but after 20 minutes.

You can adjust the mask to your skin type. If you have oily skin, lemon juice, egg white (just a drop). And if you have dry skin, add a little honey in the protein. Experts say that the skin on the inside of the housing may in fact function as acne treatment. Simply be reduced to skin and look for help for 30 minutes or overnight, the appearance of acne.

Masks are recommended once a week for best results. Remember to rinse your face with warm water and then (to close pores), cold, after complete removal of the mask.

How Former Acne Is Treatable?

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
How Former Acne Is Treatable? Acne scars leave their mark not only on the skin but also on the sick soul. With the rapid developments in dermatology, treating acne scars become easier.

Acne scars leave their mark not only on the skin but also on the sick soul. With the rapid developments in dermatology, treating acne scars become easier. Please ask your dermatologist for the best treatment for acne scars. Choice will depend on your medical history, types of scars and types of treatment for this type of scarring. Some treatments are more expensive than others, but can not give a perfect score. The choice depends on your budget and therefore the kind of results you want. Let's see. What kind of treatment for acne scars

Dermabrasion is one of the most effective treatments for acne scars. In this procedure, the doctor uses a local anesthetic or freezes the skin and high speed rotating abrasive surface to remove unwanted skin. As the skin heals, shows a brighter appearance. This process can remove superficial scars and reduces total cost of deeper scars.

Chemical Peeling - depending on the scar, the doctor will apply a light chemical peel to the affected skin. It is gradually peeling old skin and brings fresh skin. Former minor injuries can be treated with chemical peels.

Laser therapy of various types are passed by a doctor, a new form of skin scars with scar contouring used. Outbreaks of high-power lasers can leave the skin red for a while.

The contents of soft tissue might bovine collagen or origin, the patient is injected under the scar to lift the skin and give a smooth appearance. As the injected collagen is absorbed into the body over a period of time, additional treatment may be needed after about six months. Such grease can be injected under deep scars in the skin. Similar to collagen filling, fat injections can be repeated after a few months. Your doctor will tell you.

Surgery Skin for skin grafting or other surgical correction procedures to remove some scars.

In microdermabrasion, method very small crystals of aluminum oxide which pass through a vacuum tube to scrape the surface of the skin. This process can be repeated several times a day is a new look to the skin samples. very mild scars can be treated with microdermabrasion.

For people who have a tendency to form keloids, no surgical procedure is used. If you can develop a keloid lesions of acne, keloid will consist of a new intervention. Steroid injections can be used to treat keloids. In some cases, topical retinoic acid directly into the keloid.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical problem. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not responsible for any outcome or damage. With the information from this article

Asthma is not in a Position to Help Patients With Acne Drug

Posted by Unknown Friday, December 14, 2012 0 comments
Asthma is not in a position to help patients with acne drug - The asthma drug Zyflo in patients with severe acne, according to a mid-stage study, carried out by the company Critical Therapeutics Inc. The drug, known Also as zileuton, was not under better control the number of inflammatory lesions than placebo in business statistics.

Help the asthma drug Zyflo not in patients with severe acne, according to a study of middle phase, the company Critical Therapeutics Inc. The drug, also known as zileuton, was neither better control the number of inflammatory lesions than placebo in business statistics.

During the 12-week study, patients treated with Zyflo had an average reduction of 11.5 inflammatory lesions. Also statistical significance - that, compared with a reduction of 9.1 lesions in a group of patients who received placebo.

Patients treated with placebo showed a reduction of 16.4 lesions in the placebo group, but patients treated with Zyflo, showed an average reduction in the total number of lesions of 25.3.

The company said the drug showed a trend of potential benefit for some patients, although the drug is not the primary objective of the study.

Linda Lennox, a company spokesman, said the company could be a larger study, which collected the drug as a treatment for acne, with information from the small "proof of concept" study.

The company, which said in Lexington, Massachusetts, we continue to analyze the data and to cooperate with investigators. Further interpretation of results

Zyflo blocks inflammation causes enzyme called 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO). It approved "by the regulatory authorities of the United States in 1996 for the treatment of elderly patients with asthma and 12 years. Currently, the drug of Abbott Laboratories Inc., which is one of a number of years before selling licenses Critical Therapeutics at the end of 2003.

10 Most Common Myths About Acne

Posted by Unknown Monday, November 12, 2012 0 comments

10 Most Common Myths About Acne

What we think we know about acne constantly replaced by experience what scientists. Meanwhile, many myths continue to circulate and endure. Clean up some of the misunderstandings about acne is what this article is about.

1. Acne only affects appearance
Acne can also cause deep psychological distress. Severe acne can lead to low self-esteem and depression. There is a strong link between severe acne and social withdrawal.

2. How Acne is caused by poor hygiene
During infection of the skin with acne, lack of cleanliness is not connected to the reason for acne outbreaks. To produce the combination of oil and dead cells, acne is below the surface of the skin where it is impossible to clean it. Gentle cleansing with soap and water once or twice a day to keep your skin healthy as possible. Scrubing too hard can aggravate acne.

3. Acne is caused by certain foods Third
Chocolate has long had a reputation as a producer of grain. Studios do not have scientific evidence that this is true is shown. The same holds true for potato chips and sugar. There are certain foods to discourage (or not) seem the condition: milk and foods high in iodine, such as seafood.

4. Acne has run its course
There are many acne treatments available both over the counter and stronger medicines from a dermatologist.

5. The more acne medicine the better
Some people believe that if their acne worse, you may want more than just medicine. This is a bad idea because medicines can be dangerous if taken in large quantities. The excessive use of acne ointments may just irritate the skin further.

6. Sunbathing is good for acne
Exposure to the sun dries excess fat, improve acne at such short notice. However, long term the skin adapts and the acne is unfazed. Worse, there is scientific evidence that sun exposure damages the skin and increases the likelihood of skin cancer.

7. Makeup causes acne
Some makeup products can clog your pores, which is bad for the health of your skin. Cosmetics that are operated with the inscription "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic" too safe. Some brands use real-acne ingredients.

8. Acne is only a teenage condition
While most teens have acne, do many adults. Acne usually disappear within 20 years. However, some people experience acne for the first time as late as 40 years old. And for the poor, in particular, some people suffer from acne flares life.

9. The acne is associated with sex
We've probably all heard that either celibacy or too much sex causes pimples. No evidence. There is a relationship between the activity and the production of sex hormones, but the relationship between sex and the production of sebum (an oily substance combines with dead skin cells to cause acne) is not known. Stress and anger also in hormone levels.

10. Popping pimples is the best way to get rid of them
The fact is popping pimples may worsen acne by spreading the bacteria that causes. You can about all scars that lead, in severe cases, to jump permanently.

How To Deal With Acne

Posted by Unknown Friday, November 9, 2012 0 comments

How To Deal With Acne

People who suffer from acne know that it's not laugh. Having bad acne can lead to shyness with confidence and insecurity, a product on the market that promises to solve acne problems is sure to be popular. However if you are an acne sufferer then there is some good news if you are in the last years of your life, your skin will be wrinkle-free. This is because acne sufferers have oily skin and these active oil glands. Of great benefit in later years when the skin loses its elasticity

Acne usually where the sebaceous glands are most active and where the skin has more pores. The pores are the holes where the body goes through the hair and sebaceous glands, which secret sebum to these pores. The tallow can be produced in excessive amounts and with dirt on the skin, is combined develop acne.

The other thing to remember about acne is that it be clear. Most people who suffer from acne since I was a teenager, but the acne subsides, when you get older, and wrinkling of the skin in the last year of life is a great thing to look forward to!

Many people will try to for a wide range of products in order to get rid of acne look. But it is not necessary to use expensive toiletries and cosmetics to acne. There are some basic things you can do to clear up acne and calm the skin downward. First use a cleaning method that you start to do it every day. By strictly keeping the skin clean, by cleansing toning and moisturizing you will help your acne. You do not need very expensive products for this application, just by cleaning and toning your skin everyday should help with your acne.

The other thing you can do to help with acne problems, look at your diet. It is always important to a healthy diet, and this can be of great importance with regard to acne. Ensure a varied diet and eat an array containing all the food groups.

Drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables will help not only the health but also your acne. Another great way to combat acne, the exercise must be conducted. The increase in blood flow to the skin help with acne, but it is important to remember to clean up exercise and shower before and after.

If you make these simple changes to your life you will feel the benefit and you will also see an improvement in your acne. Acne can be a real problem, but if you do all that is possible to change what you eat and how you exercise soon an improvement in your acne. It is important to remember that acne does not stay forever, no matter how bad you think your acne is now, it gets better.

How Does Vitamin Deficiency Cause Acne

Posted by Unknown 0 comments

How Does Vitamin Deficiency Cause Acne

Acne is a major concern in today's world. As the media continues to grow, people are becoming more and more self-conscious and worry about their appearance are constantly. Acne is a major cause of low self-esteem in many people and this can lead to potential problems. There are strong incentives to fight stains and high sales of acne fighting shows. However, there are some other methods to fight acne, should also help measured.

Before you know about the treatment of acne, you need, including the basics. Although the causes of pimples is unknown, what is known is that it collapses on itself through the pores and preventing the sebum (oil) caused from escaping. Causes of acne can range from hormones, diet, biology (genes), vitamin deficiency and stress. Very often the causes involve a variety of factors.

Since the exact cause of pimples and acne can not be traced and aligned, which is the other factors that can lead to acne, the next best thing. Of course, drugs are not helping things like biology, hormones and stress. However, diet and vitamin deficiency are two important factors to consider when looking to combat acne. If a person measures to combat acne, we change your diet and increase your intake of certain vitamins should be at the top of their list and should always be included stops in their game plan.

While there are many vitamins, vitamin deficiency can contribute, are can be a factor in the development of acne, the most important are vitamins A, B, C, E, zinc and chromium. The simple fact is that most people are deficient in vitamins and minerals, most of fact, due to dietary habits. In fact it is estimated that only 10-20% of Americans actually consume the recommended amount of most vitamins and minerals. For this reason, it is no wonder that vitamin deficiencies led their hand to many problems when. The cause of acne

You are probably thinking: "How can vitamins possibly help?" Well, that's an important thing to remember that your skin is the largest organ of the body. Though the outer layer of dead cells to be, the skin is still living, growing, replenishing organ that requires nutrients and case just like any other organ of the body. A lack of these nutrients can cause many problems, one of them is that nuisance acne, and it is important to nourished the body and skin well.

No vitamin is a miracle cure that will end his life acne and his rescuers. But used in combination with other methods of cleaning and prevention of acne, vitamins help remove the skin and effectively promote the defense against acne. Many of the vitamins mentioned are antioxidants and help remove toxins and free radicals in the body, including the skin. Other vitamins have. Antibacterial effects and actually help to fight acne before it starts Both are very important factors in preventing and treating acne.

It is also important to note that any vitamin taken too much is toxic and can lead to many negative effects and is very dangerous. Remember, these are not miracle cures. The fight against acne is not a quick process, it takes time, and disappear under too many vitamins not only faster than acne but can cause diseases and other problems. Be patient and wise about vitamins you decide to take.