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Adults Do not Get Acne! Are They? | Acne Treatment

Posted by Unknown Thursday, December 20, 2012 0 comments
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Adults Do not Get Acne! Are They? - Skin problems not only affect people in the teens, adult acne is also a very common occurrence, in today's society. Adult women are more likely to suffer from acne than men. Adult males are at higher risk in terms of permanent scare, caused by acne problems. Contrary to what most people think, adult acne is not caused by improper hygiene.

In fact, acne is caused by several different things. Oily skin, hair canal closed as it should and infection are three main factors that cause skin problems. These factors remain the same, in adults and adolescents. (How's that for thinking you will not get acne, because you are an adult.)

Acne occurs when dead skin, small deposits of fatty tissue and keratin get clogged in a hair canal. When the channel is open, this blockage causes "black spots". When the channel is closed, this is called a "whitehead". That because whitehead is closed, in many cases, it will eventually explode. This rupture causes redness and infection of adult acne.

There are many myths associated with adult acne. Dermatologists say that acne is not caused by eating chocolate or greasy food fish. Stress, by itself, does not cause acne. However, there are some medications relieve the pressure that has been known to cause skin conditions.

Acne is not clear faster if you wash your face several times a day, or sit in the sun. Acne is not caused by dirt. Wash your face many times a day can actually do more harm than good. Sitting in the sun just darker skin and can cause scary.

Remember, if you fight the skin condition, you are not alone. There are various ways to treat the problem. You do not have to live with adult acne forever!
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